2012년 12월 24일 월요일

Who gives the Water of life?

My loving Mother, my loving Father.

Mother is the spring of love.

Mother is the field of love.
Mother is the tree of love.

The spring, which the deepness cannot be measured,does not dry.
The field, which the area cannot be known, is always fertile. 
The tree, which its size cannot be assumed, 
has no time without being fruitful.

Though as a woman she is tremendously weak,
as a mother, she is incredibly strong. 
She is the waterfall of love.
The waterfall, that flows down eternally.
It always lowers our heads in front of that ‘mother’s love.’

My son! 
Have you ever had a moment to think about father’s loneliness? 
Have you ever investigated about the existence of father?

Father is the root of life.
Have you ever thought of father’s misery remaining silent in front of rugged obstacles?

Father is not a superhuman.
But father’s strong will would never break.
Perhaps the root of life hidden in his body is strong.
Source from : Mother’s Love’  

댓글 5개:

  1. God the Father, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother are everything to us. They are love and sacrifice Themselves. I give thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!!

  2. My loving heavenly father is life
    My loving heavenly mother is sacrifice
    Even Children never image their unconditional love sacerifice

  3. Heavenly father ahnsahnghong and heavenly mother are not superhuman
    They must look like strong for their children
    They have come down to the earth as human
    That's why They have no any strenth on earth
    But, they have to have strenth 4 us,4 mankind
    Because They must save children who are destined to die

  4. How great is the love of Mother!
    There are no words that can describe in this world.
    I really thanks to Christ ahnsahnghong and heavenly Mother.

  5. without Father and Mother, we can never have life. Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother allowed me to have eternal life through the New Covenant. Thank you very much.
