2013년 1월 6일 일요일

God the Mother’s fragrance of love

A Fragrant Richer than a Chrysanthemum


Each of the flowers with beautiful figures has their own unique fragrance.

Whenever I pass by the new florist’s shop, I ask for a handful of withered flowers.Other flowers lose their scent when they wither, but chrysanthemum never loses its fragrance.

Since chrysanthemum clears the head, it is dried out and drank as a tea, and even stuffed into a pillow to smell its scent. Actually, after I slept with a pillow stuffed with chrysanthemum, my migraine that I suffered for a long time completely disappeared.

I guess the very first scent that a new born baby smells is its mother’s scent.Mother’s scent contains the devotion of a mother and love.

Not only the mother’s efforts of feeding, clothing, putting her child to sleep are needed for the baby to grow, but the baby relaxes while smelling its mother’s scent.

Like this, the mother is pleased smelling the lovable scent of her child, and the child grows well while breathing the mother’s lovable scent.

Just like the invisible, inaudible fragrance becomes the nourishment and makes a life grow, Zion, where God the Mother’s love is deeply permeated, the fragrance emitting out from Zion, revives our souls.

I think without God the Mother’s fragrance, our existence is invalid.

With God the Mother’s fragrance of love, She completely washes out my grave sins that I couldn't possibly wash out without death, and gave me life with God the Mother’s fragrance of love, when I was just a handful of dust.

God the Mother’s fragrance of love became joy for me during the days when I was lonesome and sad, and even when I am sleeping with my eyes closed, I breath with God the Mother’s fragrance of love and I meet the new morning.

God the Mother’s anxious prayer that continues day and night becomes the fragrance of love that gradually emits spreading over the whole world.

God the Mother’s fragrance of love; drenched in a fragrance richer than chrysanthemum and a fragrance more delicate than acacia blossoms, wherever I go, I will deliver that fragrance to the ones I meet. 

댓글 1개:

  1. woman is great,strong
    But,Mother is greater and stronger than woman
    Heavenly Mother has been spreading the fragrance of love to ppl in the whole world
    She is great
