2012년 12월 9일 일요일

Where is the savior's coming place?

Many people say that we should meet Second Coming  Chirst for our salvation.
But do you know the place where the savior would come.

Rev 7:1-3.............Then I saw another angel coming up from the east having the seal of the living God.
The work of salvation start from the east...........................

At the last day God's seal is carried out by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Rev 6:12-13 After the sun and the moon turned black and the stars fell to earth When the work of God's putting a seal start.

Mt 24:29-30 Second Coming Jesus must fulfills when He comes before the last disaster .

So Jesus is to come from the east at His Second Coming

Isa 46:10-11 ..........."From the east I summon a bird of prey from a far-off land,a man to fulfill my purpose .....what I have planned, that will I do"

Isa 41:2-4 God stir up the savior is from the east

Apostle John saw the revelation on the island of Patmos,and the prophet Isaiah saw the revelation in the land of Israel.
So we should see the far-off land in the east from Patmos and Israel

That Place is Korea.
According to prophecy Second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong Who came from the far-off land Korea and gives us salvation.
Let us receive Christ Ahnsahnghong nim and be saved.


"From the East, I summon a bird of prey..." 
Isa. 46:10-11

댓글 4개:

  1. Apostle John foresaw the scene that Jesus comes second time from the East
    Even Prophet Isiah
    The East is Korea
    Why? The history putting the seal( PASSOVER in Jn 6:27~) on the forehead of God's ppl bigins from the EAST
    Kepping passover, seal of God started from Korea
    That's why Second coming Jesus has to come Korea
    His name is Ahnsahnghong nim
    We have to trust him as God who is savior

  2. Christ Ahnsahnghong have come in Korea according to the prophecy of bible.

  3. The Second Coming Christ will come in Korea.
    So Christ Ahnsahnghong have come in Korea.

  4. It's amazing that God foretold his second coming very in detail. we can believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong because the 66 books of the Bible testifies him.
