2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Pursuit for the truth - We love Ahnsahnghong

Christ Ahnsahnhong  is true God And He establish Truth Church where is WMSCOG!!!

Which do you like better between the true and heresy

Of course, the truth?

However, it's not easy to meet the truth. Furthermore, in the holy Bible!

Can You distinguish the truth from the heresy?

It's only possible through the Bible. If NOT, You cannot.

For example, You may think that Christmas is the truth, at least in the Bible.

But, in real, Christmas NEVER originated from the Bible, and mere a Pagan festival.

Sunday service is the same. Those churches following the rules taught by men are the very heresy.

World Mission Society Church of God is the true church

WMSCOG follows God's teachings. And, only WMSCOG believes in God the Mother in the flesh, who is the source of the living water[Rev. 22:17, Gal 4:26]

댓글 2개:

  1. what is the truth? only thru the bible, we can distinguish!! Let's confirm thru the bible about truth!!

  2. Of Course!! I like the true
    The true could be found in the Bible!!
    The Sabbath is true
    The Passover is true
    Christ ahnsahnghong is true
    God the mother is true
    Why? The Bible tetify!!
